Happy Sunday and to all of our U.S. fans, Happy Memorial Day weekend!! And Happy Bank Holiday weekend to all our UK fans. It's Team A's turn to host the challenge this week and this time we have a color challenge for you. Before I go into that though, I have some business to get out of the way regarding last week's "World's Best Dad/Man" challenge. We'd like to thank all of you who entered the challenge. And how about those new male images? Aren't they something? I know you have all been waiting to find out who the lucky winners are so I'll cut right to the chase.
First up, we have #2 Suze as the winner of the 5 Kenny K digis.
Next is the winner of the Flonz $20 gift voucher, #8 Marjorie
Please contact Donna about your prizes and she'll get them sorted out for you.
Now unfortunately due to the number of entries we are receiving not using KennyK images, we have decided to go back to making the challenge for KennyK fans only, which means you will have to use a KennyK image but you will be allowed two entries each week.....so double your chances of winning either a prize or being a Top 3 winner.
Due to the lack of entries using a KennyK image on their cards last week, we don't have a TOP 3 for this week
Next is the winner of the Flonz $20 gift voucher, #8 Marjorie
Please contact Donna about your prizes and she'll get them sorted out for you.
Now unfortunately due to the number of entries we are receiving not using KennyK images, we have decided to go back to making the challenge for KennyK fans only, which means you will have to use a KennyK image but you will be allowed two entries each week.....so double your chances of winning either a prize or being a Top 3 winner.
Due to the lack of entries using a KennyK image on their cards last week, we don't have a TOP 3 for this week
And finally, Kenny and Elena have chosen ASTRID as the recipient of the Spotlight of the Week award! Congratulation to all the winners! We appreciate your effort and talent and hope you'll come back and join the fun again soon.
Before I introduce the new challenge, I would like to remind everyone to check out Kenny K's Facebook and Pinterest pages if you haven't already.
Our sponsors this week are:
with a $20 gift certificate

Alrighty.... here's the new challenge! You are challenged this time to use the color combination below in the creation of your entry.

I can't remember the last time we had a sure enough color challenge other than the monochrome, white on white and black and white +1 challenges so I hope you'll have fun with this one. And now for the inspiration provided by the illustrious designers of Team A.
Suzilou using Bathing Beauty
Liv using Queens Cutie digi stamp
Danielle using Troublemaker
Cheryl using Texting Diva
Okay, peeps! There you go! Now get out those markers or colored pencils and start coloring! We're dying to see what you come up with for this color challenge.